The best networking in West Yorkshire

Local News 19 Apr 2024

In West Yorkshire we were slow to get back to face to face networking after the pandemic. We had our weekly online networking going really well (usually 25 people turn up each week) so we weren’t in a rush to do physical events.

But once we started there has been no looking back. They have become insanely popular events. We put on at least two events a month and people start booking on as soon as we put them on the events calendar.

Delegates networking at Spacemade, Leeds

There are many reasons why they are working so well. We are holding these events in different venues, different times and always working with partners. This means that the events stay fresh and we always get a new mix of attendees to each one.

They also work well because we keep the format simple. It is relaxed networking over a tea or coffee. We make sure everyone feels welcome and meets lots of other people. We don’t make you introduce yourselves to everyone, we just let you talk to each other.

The other big reason they are so popular is that the people attending are really good people and business owners who are happy to meet and help each other.

If you haven’t been to one of our events yet then look at the events coming up. It would be great to see you and you will be made very welcome.

You can find all of our West Yorkshire FSB events here.

Meet the author

 Barney Mynott

Barney Mynott

West Yorkshire Development Manager