We're the UK's leading small business campaigner 

At FSB, we’re focused on delivering change to support smaller businesses to grow and succeed. From an influential voice heard by governments to our presence in the media, we do everything we can to make your voice heard on the business issues that matter most. For decades, we’ve successfully campaigned in your interests.

Wherever you are, we’re representing you. Our external affairs team in Westminster focuses on UK, international, and England policy issues, while our expert teams in Glasgow, Cardiff and Belfast work with governments, elected members and decision-makers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  


We show what’s really happening in the small business community. FSB member experiences and evidence shapes our policy recommendations.

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We tell policymakers about the real issues facing small businesses like you. We’ve campaigned for change in key areas like late payments, energy, skills, and more.

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We make a difference in every corner of the UK through our local and national lobbying efforts. FSB has successfully lobbied for support packages and changes to legislation.

Latest on advocacy

Small business crime is often overlooked – it doesn’t make headline news or Parliamentary debates. Our recent report, Cracking the Case: Uncovering the cost of small business crime (December 2023) highlights the corrosive impact of business crime on small businesses across England and Wales. FSB research shockingly and conclusively shows a rise in threatening behaviour, intimidation, and or assault over the last four years, alongside increased reports of serious organised shop theft. Click below for the full report.

Read the report

Making a difference for you

Recently we've secured important policy wins on important matters impacting the small business community, from energy and business rates, to devolved and local government issues.

Calling for support with high energy costs

  • Successfully campaigned for the Energy Bill Relief Scheme (ERBS) small business energy support package, worth £6-12bn
  • Our call to 'Blend and Extend' has also been adopted by Centrica and EDF, helping those trapped in high-rate energy contracts

Influencing devolved governments

  • Successfully campaigned for the Energy Bill Relief Scheme (ERBS) small business energy support package, worth £6-12bn
  • Our call to 'Blend and Extend' has also been adopted by Centrica and EDF, helping those trapped in high-rate energy contracts

Getting help to go green

  • Our 'Help to Green' proposal was adopted in a Government pilot, providing net zero/energy small business grants
  • Business rates exemptions for net zero improvements in small businesses (e.g. solar panels), avoiding perverse annual penalty for doing a good thing

Influencing local government

  • Representing you at 3,000 meetings with local stakeholders and 1,500 local media appearances in every region of England.
  • Influencing Clean Air Zone and Low Emission Zone policy in London, Manchester, Bristol, Bradford and more.
  • Our ‘Entrepreneurial North’ report focused on reducing regional inequalities.

Protecting small employers' bottom line

  • National Insurance cut (£12bn)
  • 12-month National Insurance relief for small businesses employing a veteran
  • Employment Allowance, originally an FSB idea, has also been protected and uplifted to £5,000 every year

Backing business rates reforms in England

We lobbied for a business rates support package for small businesses in England, worth £14bn over five years, including:

  • Cancellation of 10% inflation rise
  • 75% retail/hospitality/leisure upgraded relief
  • Fund for small businesses that lose relief due to revaluation

Representing small businesses in regulatory decisions

  • New Government commitment to regulate as last resort, not the first, was a joint FSB and Government announcement
  • SME exemption from tough advertising/digital restrictions on food