FSB on response to Higgins report

Press Releases 5 Aug 2020

Scottish Government publish response to Higgins report

The Scottish Government has today published its response to the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery report.

Andrew McRae, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Scotland policy chair, said: “In normal circumstances, Scotland’s smaller business community would warmly welcome many of the commitments made today by Ministers in response to the Higgins review.

“Few would disagree with many of the identified objectives.  For example, for decades FSB has warned that too few local businesses win public contracts, and today we see the Scottish Government promise to reverse this trend. Likewise, action to address both patchy broadband infrastructure and the dearth of digital skills have been on the agenda for many years. 

“None of this is in dispute, but what we need to see is some detail about how policymakers will actually achieve these outcomes. These are thorny long-term problems that will take years to fix.

“The Scottish Government needs to remember that businesses are quickly running out of road and their priority today is making it to tomorrow. Ministers need to apply resources to help firms through the next six months, and they should start with detailing how they will support smaller businesses subject to local lockdowns.”


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As experts in business, FSB offers members a wide range of vital business services, including advice, financial expertise, support and a powerful voice in Government. Its aim is to help smaller businesses achieve their ambitions.