Find support to expand or upskill your team at the job centre

Local News 29 Aug 2023

Your local job centre can help with looking for staff, upskilling team members, starting up a business while on universal credit, and more.

In August I visited Karen Taylor from the Department of Work and Pensions at the Trowbridge Job Centre. It was really interesting to find out more about all the free support they can offer small business owners if you are looking for staff, or have team members on benefits who would like to upskill. They can also help self employed business owners too.



Here are some of the ways:
  • You can start up a business and still be on universal credit. They can help advise you on how your benefits might taper off as your business grows
  • If you or a member of staff have a disability then the Access to Work scheme can help to pay for things to help you to work e.g. specially adapted equipment
  • You can advertise jobs for free on and they can help with an advert, to find you candidates and offer space to conduct the interviews
  • They can offer free training to any staff on universal credit to help them to progress to a more experienced role
  • They run Sector Based Work Academies which train job seekers up to have the skills you need for your type of business. You can get involved to help to shape these schemes. Training such as basic food hygiene and health and safety courses can be fully funded by the Job Centre
  • They can provide people for short term work experience before you recruit them to ensure there is a good fit on both sides
  • They have a flexible support fund to help remove barriers to work for candidates e.g. buying some interview shoes, bicycle or a laptop

And lots more!

If you think any of these could help you or your business do feel free to contact me and I can connect you or speak to your local Job Centre.

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Meet the author

 Ruth Lambert

Ruth Lambert

Development Manager: Somerset & Wiltshire