Exporters need urgent support to reap benefits of new trade deals

Press Releases 24 Sep 2021

FSB's latest report looking at how exporting could be improved for small and micro businesses

A new report out today from the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) shines a spotlight on the ongoing difficulties that small business exporters are facing from the Covid-19 pandemic and the UK’s exit from the EU.

The report, Ready to Launch, is calling on the Department for International Trade (DIT) to use its upcoming Export Strategy to supercharge the recovery by targeting support at small and micro businesses at a time when they need it most.

  • DIT should reform and replace the Tradeshow Access Programme (TAP) with a new initiative modelled on the Canadian CanExport programme, providing more funding for more trade activities
  • Export support, including the advice of International Trade Advisors, should be targeted at the smallest business community, who lack the resources of medium and large firms
  • 80% of small firms left in the dark about the real benefits of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) – more must be done to promote the benefits of trade deals and ensure they are useable by small businesses

Since the end of the transition period, around 25 per cent of small exporters have either temporarily or entirely stopped exporting to the EU, with a further 21 per cent making similar considerations.

Which is why new support to these firms is vital to getting small and micro businesses to return to or start their exporting journeys.

Commenting on the findings of the report, Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) National Chair Mike Cherry, said: “Small exporters have had a difficult time due to the pandemic, ongoing supply chain issues, as well as adapting to the complications associated with the end of the transition period.

“This has left many facing rising costs, unsure of the future of their small firms and debating the best way to grow and nurture their businesses.

“Our report has highlighted some key areas which we hope DIT can act upon to positively help small firms who are either looking to begin their exporting journey, or to help current exporters to thrive.

“The inclusion of small business chapters in recent FTAs has been hugely welcome, and this must continue for all future agreements. But up to this point, we’ve found that fewer than a fifth of small firm exporters have made use of the preferential terms of access already available to them in FTAs.

“Rising costs, lack of resources and a simple lack of information about the advantages of these FTAs have left many in the dark or unable to reap the benefits of them. Which is why by offering more targeted support through Internal Trade Advisors and by working to promote these more, we should see an increased take up of small firms engaging with these preferential terms.

“By using the forthcoming Export Strategy to commit targeted support towards small and micro businesses, DIT can inject some much-needed energy into the exporters market. At the end of the day, the majority of businesses in the UK are small firms, and they are the backbone of our economy.

“It’s never been more important to ensure that small firms have the necessary support on hand to help them blossom, creating new opportunities for thousands of firms and contributing huge sums to the economy.”


Media contact

Alan Soady

Alan Soady

Head of Media & Communications

About FSB

As the UK’s largest business support group, FSB is the voice of the UK’s small businesses and the self-employed. Established over 40 years ago to help its members succeed in business, FSB is a non-profit making and non-party political organisation that’s led by its members, for its members. As the UK’s leading business campaigner, FSB is focused on delivering change which supports smaller businesses to grow and succeed.

FSB offers members a wide range of vital business services, including access to finance, business banking, legal advice and support along with a powerful voice in Government. Each year FSB also runs the UK’s Celebrating Small Business Awards. More information is available at www.fsb.org.uk. You can follow us on twitter @fsb_policy and on Instagram @fsb_uk.