A thriving economy needs to engage with all communities regardless of ethnic heritage, race, religion or nationality to maximise its full growth potential. This report collated by Aston Business School brings together a number of key sources of new information and analysis on the health of the ethnic minority business population in the UK to support wider debate and policy formulation.
The report comprises three sections of data and analysis:
- An overview of the latest estimates of the ethnic minority business numbers and their economic contribution;
- An in-depth look at the contribution of people with an ethnic minority background to the UK’s enterprise activity;
- New research on the contribution of ethnic owned businesses to exports, innovation and growth, all of which can help to solve the UK productivity puzzle.
While each section can be used on a standalone basis, it is hoped that by bringing these different areas of analysis together it will provide an important point of reference to assist wider debate on the role of ethnic minorities in UK commercial life from an economic and social perspective.
Where possible, if findings made after data analysis could have an explanation by referencing other research, this connection has been made. However, not every line of enquiry leads to such an outcome. Often, we do not have an immediate answer, commonly because the data is not available
and the research has not been done. Indeed, the report concludes with a summary of current issues facing the ethnic minority business community and how new research and data could help this important part of the UK economy and society reach its full potential.

Key Findings
For our key findings in full, statistics and references download our full report.

Economic Contribution: Creating Wealth in Communities

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