Meet with other local business owners based in and around Wandsworth. Expand your network and build more local partnerships. You can book via Eventbrite under their terms and conditions.

In partnership with Wandsworth Council and CPG Executive Consulting brings you Business Networking in Collaboration with FSB South West London.

Surround yourself with local entrepreneurs, engage in dynamic conversations, elevate your strategic thinking, and uncover collaborative opportunities.

Who should attend? This event is tailored for businesses and residents of Wandsworth seeking valuable connections and growth opportunities.

What can you expect?

  • A warm and inviting atmosphere
  • A platform to introduce yourself and your business
  • Networking opportunities with fellow local entrepreneurs
  • Forge meaningful partnerships to stimulate the local economy

Why choose this network?

  • Members who prioritise giving and support
  • Diverse representation from businesses of all sizes
  • Access to valuable partners and resources
  • Free business support services
  • Endorsed by Wandsworth Council
  • Exceptional quality of assistance and guidance.

Our FSB South West London lead is Celia Rizothanasi will be supporting this event.

Celia Rizothanasi - the Queen Bee of LinkedIn - is a Marketing, LinkedIn, and AI for Marketing Educator. Celia is on a mission to become a Next Gen marketer & help small business professionals, in-house marketers & freelancers do the same!

The Book Now button will direct you to the third party’s booking page where their terms and conditions will apply.