How to make critical decisions when the stakes are high

Webinar 28 Sep 2021

Learn about the decision making process and how to train yourself to make smarter decisions in our on-demand webinar

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Our ability to make smart decisions is the difference between falling behind, keeping up and getting ahead, and the difference between soaring with confidence or stuck in negativity.

  • How do you make wise decisions when you're under pressure and out of time? 
  • What's the best approach for big decisions? Your Gut? Your Heart? Your Brain? An Algorithm?
  • How do you know when to play it safe and when to do something audacious?

In this webinar our guest, accredited leadership coach Andrew Pain, will explore three, very common yet mind-bending dilemmas faced by organisational leaders, in order to reveal insights and strategies to help you make difficult decisions, but do so wisely, promptly and with less stress, so that you experience better outcomes in your life, and so you're decisive when it matters and when others might flounder.

You will learn:

  1. Why your gut is powerful and flawed and when to best use it.  
  2. Why human biases undermine good decision-making and the 3 most dangerous biases to look out for.  
  3. Why boundaries form the foundation of effective decision making and self-mastery. 
  4. How to create and communicate your boundaries, so you no longer get pulled into things you’d rather avoid, you no longer accept things you know to be wrong, and you no longer get stuck when you most need to move.
  5. How to navigate your most difficult decisions with minimal stress, using a powerful 5-step strategy.
  6. Why we ignore important issues when we're under pressure and how to spot problems early in order to prevent nasty (yet avoidable) shocks and to avoid having the rug pulled out from under our feet when we least expected it.

About Andrew

Andrew Pain is an accredited leadership coach, serving business leaders, enabling people to get more done, but without getting busier or burnt out. Andrew delivers 1-2-1, executive coaching and for lone entrepreneurs, a long term, mentoring/accountability support package.