Get it Right With Image Copyright

Local News 29 Jun 2022

Discover how to protect yourself when using images online

In June Ruth Lambert, Development Manager, Somerset and Wiltshire FSB hosted a webinar to discuss “Getting it right with image copyright”. This came out of a conversation with member Graham Baylis, who had received a copyright infringement letter himself and was concerned that other members may inadvertently create problems for themselves through not being fully aware of their responsibilities. He suggested involving Graham Everitt from Copyright Correct in a national webinar to discuss how to approach the topic, what individual responsibilities are and how to avoid getting into trouble by using an image in a way that infringes copyright.

You can watch a recording of the webinar here.

The main tips from the speakers on using images correctly are:

  • Never assume an image is free to use – only when copyright has expired is a work in the public domain
  • If you have been told you can use images by a third party check each image’s origin. Ask if you can speak to or contact the licence holder, stock library or photographer and consider asking for evidence of their ownership/control. Ask for written agreement to use the images. Keep copies of your emails and correspondence as well.
  • Use a photographer – they will give you unique images bespoke to your company. If commissioning, make it a written contract condition that the copyright in the photos will be assigned to you. If it must be a license, make it an exclusive one for your business images so they cannot be used by others. Remember, images created by employed photographers as part of their work may belong to their employer who would need to license or assign them.
  • Purchase a license to use images by choosing a reputable stock library to use.
  • Beware of using ‘free’ image sites – someone will usually own and control the copyright.
  • Check existing images you are using on websites and in promotional material – including on any blog pages. Are you 100% sure where the images come from? If supplied by third party contractors or service providers, get them to clarify their origin and agree to compensate you if the images infringe any restrictions on use.
  • Be aware of ‘sharing’ images or posts on a commercial business web site or on social media. You may become liable for copyright infringement as a result - and remember both words and images can be copyright controlled.
  • Read the terms of any usage license carefully and ensure that they permit how you intend to use the licensed image. Often there will be restrictions in license Terms & Conditions.

Our FSB webinars offering business support are always based around topics we believe will help our members to grow and develop their businesses, if you have an idea for a topic you would like support with please do contact your local Development Manager.

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